Chapter 26 – Read It… You Need It! – page 144

Ahhh, summer! Don’t you just love it? 😀

I don’t know about you, but when I think about vacation or having a break from the things that keep me busy, one of the things I look forward to is getting comfy with a really good book! (Like Designer Genes, right??) 😉

How much time do you think you’ll spend reading this summer? For some of you it might be a lot — for others, you might be thinking, “READ??? Are you kidding! I’m going swimming and camping and biking!” Or “I’m going to just veg in front of the TV!” or “I’m going shopping with my friends!”

Well, whether you’re going to read a little or a lot, I just want to remind you that the most important book you’ll ever read is the Bible… written by your Designer! This chapter in Designer Genes gives some tips on how to get into reading your Bible and explains why it’s a great book even for kids. 😀

I’d love to hear about your summer plans, what you’re reading, and how your Bible reading is going! Please write to me at
